Lim Chuan Li

JC Math
Efficient, Clear, Organized 
My Experience/Achievements:
  • Teaching since 2005
  • 1x MOE Outstanding Youth in Education Award (OYEA) Winner
  • 7x MOE Outstanding Contribution Award Winner
  • Former MOE Educator in Temasek Junior College
  • NUS Bachelors in Applied Mathematics (First Class Honors), Dean's List

About Me:

My passion for teaching stems from my love for helping people gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. It inspired me to join the teaching fraternity and embarked my journey in education with a MOE scholarship. My unique teaching methodology, which my students call the "Chuan Li Express," mirrors the consistent and rhythmic progression like an express train. This approach provides a structured and predictable learning experience, enabling my students to navigate the course of the lesson with ease that is both comfortable and conducive to learning. In life, I appreciate the beauty of simplicity which brings forth an elegance and clarity that I believe greatly enhances the learning and comprehension process.

My students describe me as:

My students describe me as a chill and friendly teacher, committed to creating an engaging and stimulating learning environment. My approach is characterized by patience, supportiveness, and a motivational spirit, tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of each student. I propel my students forward with a pace that's both fast and clear, breaking down complex concepts in a way that's easy to understand. With my customized lessons, I ensure that all my students can catch on to even the tricky stuff in a simple and direct way. 

More about Chuan Li:

With his passion for teaching, Chuan Li has also authored an H2 Math Guidebook, covering the latest 2024 GCE A-Level Syllabus for Pure Math. Interested in purchasing? Head over to his website to submit your order:

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What our students say

"Zenith provides a fantastic learning experience! At the beginning of J1, I struggled with math, scoring a D on my first test. I was worried about my performance for the upcoming MYE. While searching for tuition options with my friends, we heard about Zenith. I attended a trial math lesson with Chuan Li, where his clear explanations and thorough teaching of Vectors 1 in just two hours allowed me to completely understand the entire chapter. Realizing his effectiveness, I signed up for his classes. Surprisingly, within just a month of his constant help and consistent practices, my math grades jumped to an A. Since then, I've consistently received A's for all my math tests, thanks to Chuan Li's support. His teaching style makes math concepts easy to understand, and he ensures we practice enough to tackle problems confidently. Even late at night, Chuan Li js available to offer hints that help me solve problems on my own instead of just providing solutions. Zenith always provides plenty of practice materials, so we never run out of questions to work on. Their topical summary sheets are handy for quick reviews before tests, saving me a ton of time. Besides being a great teacher, Chuan Li adds humor to his lessons, making them enjoyable, and you won't find yourself falling asleep! I never had confidence in myself as I would always doubt my ability to do well for tests. However, Chuan Li always expressed his confidence in me and always told me that he believed I can do well. This was really very encouraging for me and gave me the strength to get through the two years in JC. Chuan Li will always believe in all his students even if you don't believe in yourself, so you can always count on him to be your biggest supporter. This trait distinguishes Chuan Li from all the other teachers that I had, and I am very appreciative of him. He is the legend!"

- Sadhana Sivakumar, Class of 2023

"Mr. Chuan Li puts in so much effort for his students. It's like he never stops working. Even after class has ended, he's still there, answering our questions and making sure we understand everything. I can't count how many times I've stayed back after class just to ask him something, and he's always patient and helpful.
But it doesn't stop there. Even outside of work hours, Mr. Chuan Li is still there for us. I remember sending him a message late one night with a question about a problem I just couldn't figure out. I wasn't expecting a reply until the next day, but to my surprise, he responded within an hour! That really meant a lot to me because it showed me that he truly cares about his students' success, even when he's not officially on the clock.
Mr Chuan Li really pulled off a miracle when it came to my math grades. When I first started his class, I was struggling big time. I was not passing any of my math tests and always got a S grade. With prelims and As looming around the corner, I was starting to panic. But Mr. Chuan Li didn't give up on me. Instead, he worked even harder to help me improve.
Over the course of just a few months, Mr. Chuan Li worked tirelessly to help me understand the material better. He stayed after class with me, answered my questions over text, and even provided extra guidance to help me strengthen my skills. And you know what? It worked. By the time the A-Level exams rolled around, I was feeling more confident than ever.
When the results came in, I couldn't believe my eyes. I had gone from an S in prelims to an A at A-levels! I was over the moon, and I knew I owed it all to Mr. Chuan Li. Without his dedication, patience, and unwavering support, I don't think I would have made it. He's not just a teacher; he's a miracle worker.
So, if you ever find yourself struggling with math, I highly recommend seeking out Mr. Chuan Li. He's not just there to teach you math; he's there to help you succeed, no matter what it takes. And for that, I'll always be grateful. Thank you, Mr. Chuan Li, for everything. You truly are the best."

- Sidney Cheong, Class of 2023

"I remembered feeling extremely shocked when I first saw my prelim grade for Math which was an S and to make matters worse I was literally the bottom 20 percent of my cohort. I felt very hopeless and let down as I did not know what to expect for A levels which was nearing very soon. Maths was my worst subject throughout jc and I finally decided to get help for it. I remembered I had only around one month to A levels when I joined Zenith under Mr Chuan Li for maths. After joining, I slowly found myself understanding the concepts much better. The last month to A levels was entirely dedicated to time trials. I remembered doing so many time trials and the tutors marked all of them within the class time which was definitely impressive and helpful. The slides and answer keys used for teaching were very concise and easy to understand and thus I was easily able to understand complex problems that would normally take me very long to understand. Mr Chuan Li is also an extremely kind tutor who made the lessons very fun and engaging. I remembered even staying up till 10pm asking him questions and he would still patiently explain the concepts to me. Moreover, Zenith also provides 24/7 support from tutors. I still vividly remember tutors answering my texts even at 2am! As someone who joined at the last minute and saw a huge improvement, I am very certain that if others joined much earlier and saw an even bigger improvement. I would definitely recommend Zenith as in my opinion I believe it is one of the best JC tuition centres in Singapore."

- Stefanie, Class of 2023

"Before entering J1 i was confident with my maths as it was one of my best subjects in secondary school. However, as the topics gets more, there were a lot of new concepts which I joined chuan li’s class after the J2 common test because i was worried about the fact that i was scoring grade E so close to A level. Then my friend recommended Chuan Li to me, she said that Chuan Li’s lessons are very clear and concise, which is very helpful in clearing up content misconceptions. One good thing is that he is also very welcoming of us asking maths questions. I remember when I first entered, I was having a hard time understanding topics like PnC and probability. Chuan Li spent some time having consultation with me at the Tampines Zenith branch and it really helped to make my thought process clearer. From then on, I managed to come out with all the possible scenarios most of the time in exams. Under Chuan Li’s guidance, my maths results have seen a remarkable transformation"

- Lim Shin Ting, Class of 2023

"I am very grateful to give a great recommendation for Chuan Li. He was an extraordinary math tutor for me, and has played an instrumental role in transforming my academic trajectory. When I joined Zenith Math tuition at the end of J1, I was struggling desperately with my school work. My knowledge of the concepts of math was subpar and my motivation to do my own practice was non-existent. For my promotional examination, I had barely scraped the passing barrier and had obtained an E grade. Through Chuan Li’s tutoring throughout my J2 year, I saw a huge jump in my grades, from an E to a B in prelims and then ultimately an A in A levels.
Chuan Li’s teaching methodology is absolutely remarkable. He has a profound understanding of mathematical principles and a gift for effective communication. He is not one of those teachers that will speak in a monotonous voice, hoping that their students will miraculously pay attention. He takes his time to ensure that his tutoring sessions are engaging. He has a rare ability to distill very intricate topics into small segments that are very easily understood. He tailors his lessons to meet the needs of every student, guaranteeing that no concept is too perplexing for any of his students. However, I feel the most important thing to know about Chuan Li is that he is a very patient person. Even if you are a slow learner, he will not give up on you. Instead, he will take his time to make sure you understand the concepts thoroughly.
One thing I can tell about Chuan Li is that he has a genuine passion for teaching. From the moment I stepped into his class, I could immediately tell that he immerses himself into the lesson for a more engaging experience for all of us. I was always a math oriented person since primary school, but after struggling so much with math in J1, I lost a lot of interest in the subject. It was Chuan Li who helped me reignite the passion I had for math. He helped me see that JC math, though daunting, could still be extremely fun. To make sure his lessons were never too stressful, Chuan Li would also tell us short anecdotes about his life to bond with us. This relaxed the tone of the class, making it more enjoyable for everyone, while not lagging behind on any lessons.
I can also vouch for Chuan Li’s utmost commitment to his students. Whether it was 9am in the morning or 11pm at night, Chuan Li was always responsive to any questions I had. Especially after class when I had queries about my homework, Chuan Li would make sure that I understood the requirements of the questions before I left the class. After prelims, he sent out a google form to our class group chat asking each and everyone of us what difficulties we faced in each topic of the entire math syllabus. He then reviewed each of our responses for every student and incorporated this into the lesson plan so that we could all clear any doubts we had. I feel this is a true show of commitment, going above and beyond to help his students despite not having to.
I can say I have become much more confident in my abilities through Chuan Li’s help. Not just in the classroom, but outside also. He has shown me that I do have the potential, all I lacked was confidence. I consider myself extremely lucky to have been taught by Chuan Li. To any student wondering whether he is the right tutor for you, I strongly believe that he is."

- Vedant, Class of 2023

"Chuan Li was my tutor for almost a year in JC2. I joined Zenith’s Math classes as I was struggling and lagging behind in school tutorials, constantly underperforming for class tests which was very worrying, getting Cs at best. However, after joining Zenith, my grades improved significantly, as I started to understand concepts a lot better. I owe this to Chuan Li who gave concise yet extremely comprehensive notes and tips on how to tackle questions and the common traps set in them. Classes in Zenith were enjoyable, with Chuan Li always cracking jokes and telling relatable stories to make studying a lot more tolerable. Furthermore, Chuan Li was extremely interactive and made it a point to constantly check up on everyone in class, making sure we were all on the same page and had thoroughly understood the topic we were on. This proactiveness of his was especially helpful to me as I was relatively shy and would not have clarified on my own. He would patiently go through our queries and doubts, changing his methods if we still could not grasp what he was saying. He would also make an effort to mark the work we have done throughout classes to ensure that we were focused.  Finally, before the A level exams Chuan Li would send motivational words through text to us every morning to motivate us to keep on going which was a joy to wake up to. Overall, my experience at Zenith was an extremely enjoyable and fruitful one and I would definitely recommend it to my friends!"

- Natasha Ling, Class of 2023

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