Jaymi Pang

JC General Paper
Energetic, Thoughtful, Encouraging
My Experience/Achievements:
  • Teaching since 2015
  • Former subject head of IP English at Indigo Education Group
  • NUS Dean's List, Bachelor with Honours in English Literature with a second major in Sociology
About Me:

I've been privileged to receive a good education, and now I consider it my duty to give back and pay it forward. Education is a powerful tool for transformation! And I am committed to equipping my students with the skills and insights they need to succeed in their own journeys.

My students describe me as:

Me: How do you survive 3 back to back lessons? Isn't that exhausting?

Kid: I'm ok. GP is the last of the 3 lessons. And GP is always fun :D

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What our students say

"I joined Ms Jaymi’s class at the start of J2 as I was struggling to build up on my content for essays. Her lessons were extremely engaging as she often brought in current affairs that were not in the lecture notes to give us greater exposure to what was happening around us and even initiated classroom discussions to get us to think critically. Ms Jaymi was always open to consultations and sat down with me to go through my exam papers and always gave me tips on how to improve both during lessons and consultations. Her lessons helped me greatly and thanks to her I managed to see a huge jump in my GP grades!"

- Tvisha Bandhu, VJC 2023

Slots are filling fast!

At Zenith Education Studio, we believe in empowering students to succeed by providing the support they need to excel. That's why we offer free trial sessions, giving you the chance to experience our teaching methods and environment firsthand! But slots are limited, so sign up now!