Han Wei

JC Physics
I will help you reach your POTENTIAL! (get it?)
My Experience/Achievements:
  • Teaching since 2017
  • AI Singapore PhD Fellowship Scholar, PhD in Computer Science (4.63/5.00)
  • A*STAR Undergraduate Scholar, Double major in Biomedical Engineering (Hons) and Innovation & Design, with First Class Honors (Distinction)
  • Teaching Assistant for NUS Computer Science
  • 3x NUS Dean’s Lister (Top 5% of Cohort)
  • Biomedical Engineering Achievement Award (Top Biomedical Engineering Student Year 2)
  • Publications in various Computational Journals/Conferences
  • Former private tutor
About Me:

My joy from teaching comes from seeing that CLICK or GLOW on my students’ faces the moment they understand a concept. The best part? Getting there is made easy because my classes are always fun and memorable. My students keep coming back because I'm able to break down complex concepts into simple blocks that are much easier to digest and understand. Being able to connect the dots themselves makes it much easier to remember and score well compared to rote memorisation.

My students describe me as:

Attending my classes is like attending a comedy show, but based on physics topics! The journey to that A in Physics doesn’t always need to be painful, it can be fun too! 

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