Caleb Lai

JC Economics
Dedicated, Engaging, Fatherly
My Experience/Achievements:
  • Teaching since 2018
  • NUS Bachelors in Economics with Highest Distinction (First Class Honours), graduated in 3 years instead of 4
  • Former Educator of NUS Economics Module
  • Awarded with MOE Teaching Scholarship

About Me:

JC was one of the toughest periods of my life and I want to be that friendly senior who understands the stress of students today, and journeys with them through the process to success! This made me decide to devote my career to teaching JC students. The 2 years in JC can be an arduous journey, but it’s not so painful when you have a good understanding of your concepts! And of course, there’s always room to add some joy and laughter in the process by making learning exciting! Of course, lessons are not just about studying. I always love getting to know my students on a personal level and this has helped me to keep in touch with many of my students even after they have long graduated!

My students describe me as:

Most of my students have described me as the most patient and engaging teacher they’ve ever had. This is because I always try to make my classes fun, relevant day-to-day examples, and I’m always willing to go all the way to help them understand every single concept clearly (even if it’s out of syllabus) so that they can fully understand and appreciate the subject!

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What our students say

"I initially thought that I could go through the entire JC Econs syllabus on my own without any external help. However, I found myself struggling to apply what I had learnt into my practises and subsequently examinations, which resulted in me performing poorly in my internal school examinations. Hence, I ended up signing up for classes with Caleb just three weeks before my Promotional Examinations at the end of J1. I was amazed by how Caleb was able to teach us on how to analyse questions, and guided us to come up with all-rounded answers that the examiners were looking for. He also provided a structure for us to follow whenever we tackle questions, which I though was the most beneficial as it allowed me to have a framework to work with. Caleb's lessons are also very lively and engaging, as he frequently asks questions to ensure that everyone understands concepts taught and that no one is lacking behind. Furthermore, Zenith's notes are also very concise and filled with the important notes that we will definitely use in examinations. Combined with Caleb's guidance, I was able to understand economics to a much greater depth and not just textbook level, enabling me to tackle unconventional questions with greater ease and confidence. Thanks to Zenith, I was able to improve and I'm extremely thankful for Caleb's help :D."

- Anecha, Class of 2023

"Caleb is one of the best tutors a student could ever ask for. Having first tried out classes with him during a crash course, he helped me understand Demand and Supply Concepts within 3 hours. This was mind-blowing, considering how I could not understand the topic for a good 2 months. Thereafter, I signed up for Caleb's classes at Zenith and you could say the rest was history. His classes are always so clear, and he breaks down complex topics into easy, relatable concepts for his students. In his hopes of helping students like myself understand better, he does not just monotonously read off the slides. Instead, he draws out the concept on the whiteboard, breaks down essay questions and gets students to plan them out, allowing us to benefit more. His patience and encouraging demeanour is also something about him that I appreciate. He was always so open to questions and consultations, where he never scolded or rejected any questions. Instead, he would go through them patiently, making sure we understood the concepts. He made sure to go through concepts in a clear and succint manner, making it easy to remember. He was always willing to spend time outside of classes to look through any essay plans or practices we did, which I am gratfeul for as it helped me to become more confident. Not only is he an excellent teacher, he is down-to-earth and relatable. He encourages students and ask them about their life in and outside of school , providing them advice along the way. Having a supportive tutor definitely made the stressful A level journey so much more bearable. Words  will never be able to describe how much Caleb helped me in my A Level Journey. With his patience and assistance in the 2 years, I managed to improve from an S-grade to an A-grade and it would not have happened without him.  I will always be grateful for the help he has rendered to me. I would encourage any economics student out there to sign up for his classes, to experience how fun and comprehendible econs can be and be prepared to be mind blown."

- Efani, Class of 2023

"Caleb was able to help me in my econs first by piqueing my interest regarding why econs matters. This was pivotal as i realise most of my peers lose touch of the “why” when it comes to studying a specific subject, and are merely mugging for the grade. Caleb was able to challenge understandings of econs concepts to strengthen my fundamentals, he was then able to expound on those to provide real world applications and examples, relating textbook to reality. Caleb’s patience to guide weaker students is shown by his willingness to conduct consultations out of the dedicated classroom time, and the results he produces speak for themselves. Caleb tries to get to know his students on a personal level, so that beyond academics, he also is invested in their holistic development. As he is only recently graduated, he is able to give sound advice on how to manoeuvre university applications, and manage uni life."

- Jerial Lam, Class of 2023

"Zenith tuition centre has not only nurtured me academically but also provided me a comfortable environment to study in. I was under economics tutor Mr Caleb Lai, an extremely friendly and fatherly figure who never failed to show up to every lesson with a smile as well as teaching us economics. Lessons with Mr Caleb are super engaging, where he engages each and every of his student by asking meaningful and thought-invoking questions to truly test our concepts. His method of doing mindmaps as well as pointform truly helps to reinforce our economic concepts really well and this allows us, especially me to retain the concepts really well. I went from a U to an A for prelims and A levels, thanks to Mr Caleb's dedication to always deliver his best to all of us even when he is tired. Not to mention the welfare that he buys us whenever it is welfare week! All in all, Mr Caleb is dedicated, caring, smart, able to bring all the concepts and exam-important tips into your brain. Under Mr caleb, ive also learnt how he tackles tough questions with a different approach and under him, ive also learnt how to be more exam smart."

- Caleb Yeo, Class of 2023

"Caleb is a super dedicated and passionate teacher, always making sure we are able to grasp the content taught. Despite how clear and concise Zenith notes are, Caleb goes the extra mile to break down the information, making it even more comprehensible. He is also very engaging, ensuring that lessons are always fun yet educational."

- Crystabelle Chua, Class of 2023

"Caleb has been with me since day 1 of my A levels Econs journey. I’m grateful that he is always finding ways to improve on his teaching to cater to our needs. Instead of reading from the slides, he uses the whiteboard to explain the thought process behind each concept. I really benefitted greatly from this approach and gained better understanding on how to apply Econs concepts to examination questions. Without Caleb’s guidance and support, I don’t think I could’ve excelled in Econs."

- Yeva, Class of 2023

"I joined Zenith after seeing my classmate from Zenith performing well for the class tests and I was failing my practices. Needing additional guidance, I signed up for a trial class where I was quickly sold to sign up for the lessons. Zenith Econs notes are really concise, and the model essays are really useful as they teach you how to structure your answers efficiently. Furthermore  the tutors are highly knowledgeable and super helpful, always willing to answer your enquires. This is especially the case for my tutor Caleb. If anyone asked me who is my Econs teacher, I would say it is Caleb and not my school teacher. His interactive style of teaching keeps everyone engaged, and the way he maps out the structure before the essay ensures everyone is clear on the topic before reading the content. Additionally, he is very concise, and teaches in a succint manner. I cannot recommend him enough to be your tutor in Zenith."

- Loh Zhi Ting, Class of 2023

"I really appreciate Caleb’s guidance and help these past 2 years. Having only learnt the subject for a few months in J1, I was feeling very lost before joining Zenith. I am glad to say Zenith Econs has helped to clear a lot of my doubts on the subject and has been the best decision I’ve made for myself thus far. :)Not only are the centre’s notes informative and concise, Caleb was also very patient and engaging in his lessons. The interactive structure of his classes and his passion in the subject made lessons very enjoyable to learn in! He also made sure that our fundamental understanding of each topic was strong before delving deeper into more complex questions.

I really improved so much under Caleb’s teaching and cannot express how grateful I am for his help :) — come to Zenith Econs!!!!"

- Chavonz, Class of 2023

"Joining Zenith Econs was one of the best decisions of my JC life. I was struggling in the beginning of J1 to understand fundamental concepts and I urgently needed any help that I could get. I signed up for a crash course and was shocked as to how Caleb broke down concepts and made Econs into something so manageable and understandable. His style of teaching is one where I, like many others, have benefited from. Super engaging and super fun. Throughout my JC life, going to Caleb’s Econs class was the only tuition I was excited for. The way he explained everything and is so genuine in his teaching made me extra motivated to do well for my exams. The notes Zenith provides are also super concised and easy to study. Econs became my favourite subject under Zenith and Caleb because I found the concepts so manageable to grasp through Caleb’s guidance. And I also found myself improving more and more till the end of J2 as we did more timed practices in class. I learned so much from Caleb and I’m so blessed to have been under his guidance."

- Megan, Class of 2023

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At Zenith Education Studio, we believe in empowering students to succeed by providing the support they need to excel. That's why we offer free trial sessions, giving you the chance to experience our teaching methods and environment firsthand! But slots are limited, so sign up now!